Tips to make a successful google ad

Tips to make a successful google ad

With more than 5 billion searches performed each day, Google is the most popular search engine. Furthermore, the Google Ads platform has been in existence for about 20 years, providing it some experience and legitimacy in sponsored advertising.

People all over the world use Google as a resource to ask questions that are then answered by a combination of paid adverts and organic results.

Do you need one more? Your rivals are utilizing Google Ads (and they might even be bidding on your branded terms).

Because so many businesses use Google Ads to market their brands, even if you're ranking organically for a certain search keyword, your results will be pushed down the page under those of your rivals.

There is no way around using Google Ads if you're using PPC to advertise your goods or services (the only exception might be Facebook Ads, but that's another issue).

Don't give up if you've tried advertising on Google but had little luck. Your Google Ads may not be operating as they should for a variety of reasons. However, let's first go through some common Google Ads recommended practices.

1. Use a template for PPC planning.

You can keep your PPC efforts organized by using a planner. You can preview the character counts for your advertisements, see how they will appear online, and manage your campaigns all in one location using Google and HubSpot's PPC Planning Template.

2. Steer clear of general keywords.

Your strategy should include testing and fine-tuning because you really need to nail it for your keywords. Your ad will be shown to the wrong audience if your keywords are too general, which will result in fewer hits and a higher ad cost.

Examine what's working (i.e., which keywords result in clicks) and make changes to your ads as necessary to make them more relevant to your target market. The blend probably won't be perfect the first time, but you should keep introducing, eliminating, and adjusting keywords until it is.

3. Avoid running pointless adverts.

You won't obtain enough clicks if your ad doesn't correspond to the searcher's intent to make your ad spend worthwhile. The keywords you are bidding on must be reflected in your headline and ad copy, and the product you are promoting in your ad must address any problems the searcher may be having.

It's a combination that will provide the outcomes you want, and it could only require a few adjustments. With the option to generate many ads per campaign, you may test different versions to see which performs best. Use Google's Responsive Search Ads option instead, or even better.

4. Raise your quality rating (QS).

Google uses your Quality Score (QS) to decide where to place your ad.

Your rank and positions on the Search Engine Results Page will improve with a higher QS (SERP). Less people will see your advertisement and you will have fewer opportunities to convert if your quality score is low.

5. Improve the landing page for your ads.

Your efforts shouldn't end with your advertisement; the user experience that follows a click is just as important.

When a user clicks your advertisement, what do they see? Is the conversion rate on your landing page optimized? Does the page address the problem or query of your user? The conversion process needs to be easy for your user to move through.

Review best practices for landing pages and put them into practice to improve conversion rates.


Given its influence and strength, Google Ads should be included in your paid campaign. Start by using the suggestions we gave, but don't forget to adjust and improve as you go.

There are no unsuccessful Google Ads campaigns; there are only efforts that need a little bit more effort. Using the aforementioned strategy and data, you have everything you need to create an efficient Google Ad campaign that generates clicks and leads.