8 Challenges of social media in healthcare 

8 Challenges of social media in healthcare 

Common challenges in social media practice 

Most people believe that social media practice is just for teenagers. Contrary to popular belief, healthcare professionals can also gain from this platform. It's simple to see how social media marketing for healthcare could benefit a practice. 
Healthcare organizations have the ability to interact with patients, offer tools for health education, and market their services to a large audience. Healthcare marketing on social media has a wealth of advantages, but there are drawbacks as well. 

10 Social Media Challenges in Healthcare 

Social media problems are likely to occur if platform restrictions and "rules of engagement" are disregarded or interpreted incorrectly. Furthermore, these challenges turn into issues if medical professionals are unaware of the restrictions they face when operating a personal profile versus a healthcare context.  
The following are some of the issues that social media-enabled healthcare providers may face: 

1. Dealing with Unfavorable Comments on Social Media Platforms 

Ideally, there will be more positive than negative reviews, but it's important to understand how to respond to them. 
You'll most likely avoid issues if you keep your healthcare social media accounts professional and in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). People might be offended by a remark made or annoyed in some other way by your medical facility. They might write a negative review or react furiously to a post. 
As a result, it's crucial to monitor your social media channels for likes, comments, and shares and respond to any criticism.  

2. Managing the content on social media 

A practice must be consistent when using social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. When the calendar is full and the front desk staff is overworked, it is not a "one-and-done" encounter that you can forget about. This presents a challenge for many practices because it calls for ongoing work that someone must commit to finishing. 
The quantity of informative content your practice has to offer, how many patients you see, and how engaged you want to be with your audience will all affect how frequently you post. When it comes to social media marketing, consistency is key; a good rule of thumb is to post once per day.  
Do this only if your audience will benefit from the content you have to offer. Don't say anything if your post isn't helpful. Finding the best times to post and using branded hashtags are also crucial.


3. HIPAA Compliance

For many healthcare organizations, complying with HIPAA regulations is a double burden. Administrators and vendors are getting more and more worried about cyberattacks. 
Additionally, they worry that they might unintentionally reveal a patient's HIPAA information. Fortunately, if health care professionals are worried about HIPAA compliance and public health monitoring, the act provides a set of social media principles and specific guidelines for them to adhere to. the guidelines for using social media. 

4. Reputational Damage 

On social media, everything is sunshine and butterflies, right? In no way. Finding support on these platforms is difficult. 
When it comes to the use of social media, anger spreads more quickly than anything else.  
These social networking sites enable communication, but they can also encourage bullying. 
What about from a business or professional perspective? Internet users are notoriously harsh when speaking with businesses about medical professionals. In essence, you need to be ready because people are ready to "call you out." 
Social connections are important, so you want to make sure that people have a positive impression of your practice.  

5. Time Consuming 

It takes time to keep track of your accounts, content, and interactions on all platforms. If statistics about burnout rates in the healthcare industry are accurate, you might not have time during the week to monitor your social media activity. 
You might be able to get away with working on your accounts for just an hour or two a week. But since you only get out what you put in, your efforts will probably not be very fruitful.  

6. Low-quality Information 

One disadvantage of the internet is that it is accessible to everyone. This is so that anyone can upload content on any topic they choose. 
As a result, people start claiming to be experts and spreading false information without doing any research. 
You should be aware, as a healthcare provider, that many patients who visit clinics describe how they used search engines to self-diagnose. 

Facts are 70% less likely to be retweeted than false information, according to an MIT statistic. 

7. Saturation 

In the modern world, there are over 3.5 billion users of social media. A medical professional may spend hours comparing the different channels in an effort to decide which one to start with. 
Spend a lot of time planning your strategy rather than wasting time attempting to decide which platform to use first. Company executives would frequently dive right in, hope for results, and then give up on the project.  

8. Lack of Patient Privacy and Confidentiality 

Another issue for many healthcare professionals when using social media is professionalism. Information about patients must still be kept private and confidential. Social media is frequently viewed as being less serious, innocent, or even "respectable"  
If this worries you, establish social media policies for your practice to abide by. After that, follow up frequently to make sure the standards for what is right are being met. This is a significant issue that might damage the public's perception of your practice.  


Social media platforms use sophisticated algorithms to serve their users with content they will enjoy. 
As a result, you might find and reshare some interesting content on your feed. Someone's health could be harmed by this and could prove to be harmful. The majority of people are unaware of the accuracy of the information. 
Along the way, there will be a number of significant obstacles. Like anything else in the healthcare industry, you have to go above and beyond and pay closer attention to your strategy and the policies related to your account if you want to manage your accounts and abide by the law. If you don't, you'll almost certainly cause a breach, which will lead to a fine from HHS.  
Healthcare organizations typically find life easier after hiring a social media marketing agency. These experts in medical marketing are fully aware of how to overcome these obstacles and develop your medical brand online.