10 Google ad terms we bet you didn't know

10 Google ad terms we bet you didn't know

Potential leads or clients who are looking for your product or service are shown your ad through Google Ads. Depending on the sort of ad campaign chosen, advertisers bid on search phrases, or keywords, and the winners of that bid are displayed at the top of search results pages, on YouTube videos, or on relevant websites.

Your capacity to develop successful and high-performing Google Ads is impacted by a variety of things.

You can set up, manage, and improve your Google Ads with the aid of these frequent phrases. While some of these are specifically tied to Google Ads, others are more broadly PPC-related. In either case, you must be aware of these to manage an efficient advertising strategy.


Your ad position is decided by your AdRank. A larger value will improve your ranking, bring more users to your ad, and increase the likelihood that they will click it. The sum of your maximum bid and your Quality Score determines your AdRank.

2. Bidding

The bidding method used by Google Ads allows you, the advertiser, to specify a maximum bid sum you're ready to spend for a click on your ad. Your placement will improve the higher your bid. CPC, CPM, or CPE are your three available bid alternatives.

The cost-per-click, or CPC, is what you pay for each time someone clicks on your advertisement.

The price you pay for one thousand ad impressions, or when your advertisement is displayed to a thousand individuals, is known as CPM, or cost per mille.

The sum you spend every time someone responds to your advertisement is known as the "cost per engagement," or CPE.

Yes, we will discuss bidding tactics later.

3. Type of Campaign

You can choose from seven different campaign types before starting a sponsored campaign on Google Ads: search, display, video, shopping, app, smart, or performance max.

Text advertisements known as "search advertising" are shown alongside search results on a Google results page.

On websites that are part of the Google Display Network, display advertisements—which are often image-based—are displayed.

YouTube features six to fifteen second long video commercials.

The Google shopping tab and search results both display shopping advertisements.

App campaigns optimize ads across websites using data from your app.

Google finds the finest targeting for smart advertising to maximize your return on investment.

With the new campaign type called Performance Max, advertisers may access the entire Google Ads inventory from a single campaign.

4. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Your CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks you receive to the number of views for your advertisement. A higher CTR implies a high-quality ad that targets pertinent keywords and matches search intent.

5. Conversion Rate (CVR)

Form submissions as a percentage of all landing page views are measured by CVR. Simply put, a high CVR indicates that your landing page offers a seamless user experience that fulfils the promise of the advertisement.

6. Display Network

Google advertising can appear on a webpage within Google's Display Network or the search results page (GDN). GDN is a network of websites that give Google Adverts space on their web pages. These text- or image-based ads are shown next to material that is pertinent to your target keywords. Google Shopping and app campaigns are the most often used Display Ad choices.


With the aid of ad extensions, you may add free-of-charge information to your advertisement. Sitelink, Call, Location, and Offer are the five categories under which these extensions fall.

8. Keywords

Google displays a number of results that are relevant to the searcher's purpose when a user submits a query into the search field. Keywords are words or phrases that fit the searcher's query and provide the results they are looking for. Depending on the searches you want your ad to appear next to, you choose your keywords. When someone searches for "how to wipe gum off shoes," for instance, they will see results for marketers who have chosen to target terms like "gum on shoes" and "clean shoes."

Lists of keywords that you don't want to rank for are known as negative keywords. You will be removed from the bid on these keywords by Google. These are usually vaguely connected to the search terms you were going for but are unrelated to the services you provide or the keywords you want to rank for.

9. PPC

Pay-per-click advertising, also known as PPC, involves the advertiser paying for each click on an advertisement. Although PPC is not exclusive to Google Ads, it is the most typical kind of paid campaign. Before starting your first Google Ads campaign, it's critical to comprehend all aspects of PPC.

10. Quality Score (QS)

Your Quality Score gauges the effectiveness of your ad based on factors like click-through rate (CTR), keyword relevance, landing page quality, and prior SERP performance. Your AdRank is based in part on QS.